Operating System

【更新情報】2000/09/24 α版作成



 TP A20m/p,T20,X20
  *( )書きは作者の推定

IBM パーソナルコンピューティングWindows98サポート情報

ThinkPad における Windows 98 の新規事項

ThinkPad における Windows 98 の新規事項

Windows 98 [電源 の管理] の機能および用語の変更
ThinkPad で省電力機能を頻繁にご使用になると、用語ならびに
Fn と F3 キーを同時に押して、LCD パネルをオフにします。

旧用語 : スタンバイ
Windows 98 用語 : この機能に対する名前はなくなりました。
その他の情報 : ”モニタの電源をきる ”とも呼ばれます。

Fn および F4 キーを同時に押して、サスペンド (節電) モードに入ります。

Windows 98 用語 : スタンバイ
その他の情報 : タイマーを設定するには、電源設定タブをクリックし、
システム スタンバイを設定します。

Windows98SE(Second Edition)

 ThinkPadでWindows(R)98 Second Editionをご使用されるお客様へ

Second Editionでわかっている問題

Windows 98では正常に動作しない可能性があります」という旨のメッセージが出ることが

1999年12月2日以降のBIOSへアップデートされた機種では、市販のWindows 98
Second Edition CD-ROMのオートプレイ機能により導入をおこないますと
現在のところ APMは実証されたものであり、ACPIより安定してThinkPadが動作します。

2-1.Windows 95/98からアップグレードする場合
Second Editionを導入する前に、現行のWinodwsを起動します。
apminst.reg を適当なディレクトリに保存します。
スタート から プログラム を選択し、エクスプローラを開きます。
Second Editionの導入を開始します。この場合、CD-ROMの

2-2.Second Editionを新規導入する場合
apminst.inf を起動ディスクのルートにコピーします。
市販のSecond Edition CD-ROMをCD-ROMドライブに挿入します。
移動します。たとえば、CD-ROMドライブが E:であれば、
  A:\>CD E:\Win98
ここで、以下のようにタイプし、Second Edition の導入を開始します。   
E:\Win98>Setup.exe a:\apminst.inf


Windows Me
 TP A20m/p,T20,X20
  *( )書きは作者の推定

Windows Millennium Edition動作確認済みマシンリスト


 TP A20m/p,T20,X20

 TP X20,240/X,390/E/X,560Z,570/E,600/E/X
 TPi 1400
  *( )書きは作者の推定

Windows NT4.0
 TP A20m/p,T20,X20
  *( )書きは作者の推定



Operating System installation

IBM Personal Computing Support
OS Instaration

  *( )書きは作者の推定

Operating System installation - Windows 98 by Date Documents 1 to 31 of 31
TP A20m - Installing Windows 98 and its device drivers 2000-08-14
TP A20p - Installing Windows 98 and its device drivers 2000-08-14
TP T20 - Installing Windows 98 and its device drivers 2000-08-14
TP X20 - Installing Windows 98 and its device drivers 2000-09-12

TP 240 - Installing Windows 98 and its device drivers 2000-08-14
TP 240X - Installing Windows 98 and its device drivers 2000-07-18

TP 310,315 - Windows 98 Upgrade Information 2000-08-14
TP 310,315 - Windows 98 Installation Information 2000-08-14
TP 365X/XD - Windows 98 Installation Information 2000-08-14
TP 365X/XD - Windows 98 Upgrade Information 2000-08-14
TP 380,385 - Windows 98 Upgrade Information 2000-08-14
TP 380,385 - Windows 98 Installation Information 2000-08-14
TP 380Z - Installing Windows 98 and its device drivers 2000-08-14
TP 390,1720 - Installing Windows 98 and its device drivers 2000-08-14
TP 390E - Installing Windows 98 and its device drivers 2000-08-14

TP 560/E/X - Windows 98 Upgrade Information 2000-08-14
TP 560/E/X - Windows 98 Installation Information 2000-08-14
TP 560Z - Installing Windows 98 and its device drivers 2000-08-14
TP 570/E - Installing Windows 98 and its device drivers 2000-08-08

TP 600E - Installing Windows 98 and its device drivers 2000-08-14
TP 600,770/E/ED - Windows 98 Installation Information 2000-08-14
TP 600,770/E/ED - Windows 98 Upgrade Information 2000-08-14

TP 760,765 - Windows 98 Upgrade Information 2000-08-14
TP 760,765 - Windows 98 installation information 2000-08-14
TP 770X - Installing Windows 98 and its device drivers 2000-08-14

TP 1400 - Installing Windows 98 and its device drivers 2000-08-14
TP 1400 - Error when upgrading to Windows 98 SE 2000-07-18
TP 1400 (2621) - Installing Windows 98 and its device drivers 2000-08-28
TP 1500 - Installing Windows 98 and its device drivers 2000-08-14

TP General - What's new for Windows 98 on ThinkPads 2000-08-14
TP General - Windows 98 Second Edition Setup Guide 2000-08-14

  *( )書きは作者の推定
 TP A20m/p,T20,X20

Operating System installation - Windows 95 by Date Documents 1 to 19 of 19
TP A20m - Installing Windows 95 and its device drivers 2000-08-11
TP A20p - Installing Windows 95 and its device drivers 2000-08-11
TP T20 - Installing Windows 95 and its device drivers 2000-08-08
TP X20 - Installing Windows 95 and its device drivers 2000-09-08
TP 240 - Installing Windows 95 and its device drivers 2000-08-11
TP 240X - Installing Windows 95 and its device drivers 2000-07-18
TP 365C/CS/CSD/CD - Windows 95 installation hints and tips 2000-08-14
TP 380Z - Installing Windows 95 and its device drivers 2000-08-14
TP 390,1720 - Installing Windows 95 and its device drivers 2000-08-14
TP 390E - Installing Windows 95 and its device drivers 2000-08-14
TP 560Z - Installing Windows 95 and its device drivers 2000-08-14
TP 570/E - Installing Windows 95 and its device drivers 2000-08-14
TP 600 - Installing Windows 95 and its device drivers 2000-08-11
TP 600E - Installing Windows 95 and its device drivers 2000-08-14
TP 701 - Windows 95 Installation Procedure 2000-08-11
TP 755CE/CSE/CD/CV/CX - Installing Windows 95 and its device drivers 2000-08-14
TP 770 - Installing Windows 95 and its device drivers 2000-08-14
TP 770/E/ED - Installing Windows 95 2000-08-14
TP 770X - Installing Windows 95 and its device drivers 2000-08-11

Windows Me
  *( )書きは作者の推定

Operating System installation - Windows Millennium by Date Documents 1 to 34 of 34
TP A20m - Installing Windows Me and its device drivers onto a blank hard disk drive 2000-09-13
TP A20m - Upgrading to Windows Me from Windows 98 2000-09-13
TP A20p - Upgrading to Windows Me from Windows 98 2000-09-13
TP A20p - Installing Windows Me and its device drivers onto a blank hard disk drive 2000-09-13
TP T20 - Upgrading to Windows Me from Windows 98 2000-09-13
TP T20 - Installing Windows Me and its device drivers on a blank hard disk drive 2000-09-13
TP X20 - Installing Windows Me and its device drivers onto a blank hard disk drive 2000-09-13
TP X20 - Upgrading to Windows Me from Windows 98 2000-09-13

TP 240 - Upgrading to Windows Me from Windows 98 2000-09-13
TP 240 - Installing Windows Me and its device drivers onto a blank hard disk drive 2000-09-13
TP 240X - Upgrading to Windows Me from Windows 98 2000-09-13
TP 240X - Installing Windows Me and its device drivers onto a blank hard disk drive 2000-09-13

TP 390, 172x - Installing Windows Me and its device drivers onto a blank hard disk drive 2000-09-13
TP 390, 172x - Upgrading to Windows Me from Windows 98 2000-09-13
TP 390E - Upgrading to Windows Me from Windows 98 2000-09-13
TP 390E - Installing Windows Me and its device drivers onto a blank hard disk drive 2000-09-13
TP 390X - Upgrading to Windows Me from Windows 98 2000-09-13
TP 390X - Installing Windows Me and its device drivers onto a blank hard disk drive 2000-09-13

TP 570 - Upgrading to Windows Me from Windows 98 2000-09-13
TP 570 - Installing Windows Me and its device drivers onto a blank hard disk drive 2000-09-13
TP 570E - Upgrading to Windows Me from Windows 98 2000-09-13
TP 570E - Installing Windows Me and its device drivers onto a blank hard disk drive 2000-09-13

TP 600 - Upgrading to Windows Me from Windows 98 2000-09-13
TP 600 - Installing Windows Me and its device drivers onto a blank hard disk drive 2000-09-13
TP 600E - Upgrading to Windows Me from Windows 98 2000-09-13
TP 600E - Installing Windows Me and its device drivers onto a blank hard disk drive 2000-09-13
TP 600X - Upgrading to Windows Me from Windows 98 2000-09-13
TP 600X - Installing Windows Me and its device drivers onto a blank hard disk drive. 2000-09-13

TP 1200, 1300 - Upgrading to Windows Me from Windows 98 2000-08-31
TP 1200, 1300 - Installing Windows Me and its device drivers on a blank hard disk drive 2000-08-31
TP 1400, 1500 (2621) - Upgrading to Windows Me from Windows 98 2000-09-13
TP 1400, 1500 (2621) - Installing Windows Me and its device drivers on a blank hard disk drive 2000-09-13
TP 1400, 1500 (2611) - Installing Windows Me and its device drivers on a blank hard disk drive 2000-09-13
TP 1400, 1500 (2611) - Upgrading to Windows Me from Windows 98 2000-09-13

 TP X20,240/X,390/E/X,560Z,570/E,600/E/X
 TPi 1400
  *( )書きは作者の推定

Operating System installation - Windows 2000 by Date Documents 1 to 40 of 40
TP X20 - Installing Windows 2000 and its device drivers 2000-09-08

TP 240 - Upgrading to Windows 2000 from Windows 98 2000-08-11
TP 240 - Upgrading to Windows 2000 from Windows 95 2000-08-11
TP 240X - Upgrading to Windows 2000 from Windows 98 2000-07-18
TP 240X - Upgrading to Windows 2000 from Windows 95 2000-07-18

TP 390 - Upgrading to Windows 2000 from Windows 98 2000-08-11
TP 390E - Upgrading to Windows 2000 from Windows 98 2000-08-11
TP 390E - Upgrading to Windows 2000 from Windows NT 4.0 2000-08-11
TP 390X - Upgrading to Windows 2000 from Windows NT 4.0 2000-08-11
TP 390X - Upgrading to Windows 2000 from Windows 98 2000-08-11

TP 560Z - Upgrading to Windows 2000 from Windows 98 2000-08-11
TP 560Z - Upgrading to Windows 2000 from Windows NT 4.0 2000-08-11
TP 570/E - Installing Windows 2000 onto a blank hard drive 2000-08-11
TP 570 - Upgrading to Windows 2000 from Windows 98 2000-08-11
TP 570/E - Upgrading to Windows 2000 over Windows NT 4.0 2000-08-11
TP 570 - Upgrading to Windows 2000 from Windows 95 2000-08-11

TP 600 - Upgrading to Windows 2000 from Windows NT 4.0 2000-09-18
TP 600 - Upgrading to Windows 2000 from Windows 98 2000-09-18
TP 600 - Upgrading to Windows 2000 from Windows 95 2000-09-18
TP 600 - Installing Windows 2000 onto a blank hard disk drive 2000-09-18
TP 600E - Upgrading to Windows 2000 from Windows NT 4.0 2000-08-11
TP 600E - Upgrading to Windows 2000 from Windows 95 2000-08-11
TP 600E - Upgrading to Windows 2000 from Windows 98 2000-08-11
TP 600E - Installing Windows 2000 onto a blank hard disk drive 2000-08-11
TP 600X - Upgrading to Windows 2000 from Windows 95 2000-08-11
TP 600X - Upgrading to Windows 2000 from Windows NT 4.0 2000-08-11
TP 600X - Upgrading to Windows 2000 from Windows 98 2000-08-11
TP 600X - Installing Windows 2000 onto a blank hard disk drive 2000-08-11

TP 760XD - Upgrading to Windows 2000 over Windows 95 2000-08-11
TP 770 - Installing Microsoft Windows 2000 onto a blank hard drive 2000-08-11
TP 770 - Upgrading to Windows 2000 from Windows NT 4.0 2000-08-11
TP 770 - Upgrading to Windows 2000 over Windows 95 2000-08-11
TP 770E/ED - Upgrading to Windows 2000 from Windows 95 OSR2 2000-08-11
TP 770X - Upgrading to Windows 2000 from Windows NT 2000-08-11
TP 770X - Upgrading to Windows 2000 from Windows 98 2000-08-11
TP 770Z - Upgrading to Windows 2000 from Windows 98 2000-08-11
TP 770Z - Upgrading to Windows 2000 from Windows NT 4.0 2000-08-11

TP1400 (2611) - Installing Windows 2000 onto a blank hard disk drive 2000-08-11
TP 1400 (2621) - Upgrading to Windows 2000 from Windows 98 2000-08-11
TP1400 (2621) - Installing Windows 2000 onto a blank hard disk drive 2000-08-11

Windows NT
  *( )書きは作者の推定

Operating System installation - Windows Millennium by Date Documents 1 to 34 of 34
TP A20m - Installing Windows NT 4.0 and its device drivers 2000-08-08
TP A20p - Installing Windows NT 4.0 and its device drivers 2000-08-14
TP T20 - Installing Windows NT 4.0 and its device drivers 2000-08-21
TP X20 - Installing Windows NT and its device drivers 2000-09-08
TP 240 - Installing Windows NT and its device drivers 2000-08-14
TP 240X - Installing Windows NT 4.0 and its device drivers 2000-07-18
TP 345C,370C,750,755 - Windows NT 3.51 installation and operating information 2000-08-14
TP 365X/XD - Installing Windows NT 4.0 and its device drivers 2000-08-14
TP 380,385 - Installing Windows NT 4.0 and its device drivers 2000-08-14
TP 390,1720 - Installing Windows NT 4.0 and its device drivers 2000-08-14
TP 390E - Installing Windows NT and its device drivers 2000-08-14
TP 560 - Installing Windows NT 4.0 and its device drivers 2000-08-14
TP 560Z - Installing Windows NT 4.0 and its device drivers 2000-08-14
TP 570/E - Installing Windows NT 4.0 and its device drivers 2000-08-14
TP 600 - Installing Windows NT and its device drivers 2000-08-14
TP 600E - Installing Windows NT and its device drivers 2000-08-14
TP 600,770 - Windows NT 4.0 SP3 instructions for unattended installation 2000-08-14
TP 760E/ED/XD,765D - Installing Window NT 4.0 and its device drivers 2000-08-14
TP 770/E/ED/X - Installing Windows NT 4.0 and its device drivers 2000-08-14
TP General - Windows NT Guide for ThinkPads 2000-08-14
TP General - Installing Microsoft Windows NT on IDE hard disk drives over 8GB 2000-08-14
TP General - Installing Windows NT 4.0 from a non-supported CD-ROM drive 2000-08-14
